Bottlenoses - VIP Access
What you get with VIP Access
Nutrition / Injury Prevention / Performance Training
*All sales are final - Non-refundable
What you get with VIP Access
Nutrition / Injury Prevention / Performance Training
*All sales are final - Non-refundable
What you get with VIP Access
Nutrition / Injury Prevention / Performance Training
*All sales are final - Non-refundable
What you get with VIP Access
Click links for nutritional information
Pre-Game Fueling
Mid-Game Power Snack
Apple Sauce or Pretzels
After-Game Recharge
Injury Prevention
Advanced evaluation
Performance Training
This training session focuses on increasing acceleration in the jumping and running portions increasing maximum speed and developing proper mechanics associated with running at top speed. The resistance training portion utilizes the entire body, focusing on increasing explosiveness in the ankles, knees, and hips, emphasizing building the posterior chain.